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Tricks That Will Help You With Your Memory

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Total visits: 242
Posted on: 07/17/22

Everyone at one point or another complains about forgetting things. Our memories come into play every day of our lives. The better the memory you have, the more successful you can be in life. Below is a compilation of tips to help you develop and improve your memory.

Keep a running list of the things you want to accomplish each day. As you finish one item, cross it off and move on to the next. Simultaneously, keep adding items at the bottom of the list as they arise. In this way you will never forget what you need to do next.

If you need to remember a complicated piece of information, use the mnemonics technique. This is a way of associating the information with something that is common and familiar. When you make that association, you can think of the common item, and it will trigger your memory of the more complicated piece of information.

A lot of the information we learn is very close to information we already know, so improving your memory can be as simple as playing an association game. Make sure that anything new youre attempting to learn can tie in with someone you already know, and you will develop smooth transitions between one piece of material and the next.

Drink more milk for healthy brain activity for life. Milk is a veritable treasure trove of B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and calcium that all have incredibly important functions for taking care of your brain. These vitamins and minerals do a great job in supporting the functions of your brain. The healthier the brain, the better the memory will be.

It is important that you stop drinking sugary drinks, like soda, when you are trying to improve your memory. Believe it or not, sugary drinks increase your blood glucose level, which in turn, deteriorates your brain function and memory. Instead, try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Having a good social life is recommended if you want to retain a strong memory capacity. This will keep you spirits up and alert. When you are lonely or depressed, your mind does not receive stimulation, and the brain cells do not get their exercise. A strong mind leads to a better memory, so make sure to engage in active conversations with other people on a regular basis.


In order to improve your memory, be sure that you exercise on a regular basis. It is proven that exercise makes a person more alert, which in turn, helps you to absorb and keep information in the mind. Also, when your mind is alert, it is easier for it to take mental pictures.

Participate in regular exercise. Exercise increases oxygen to the brain and can be helpful to your memory. It also gets blood flowing to your brain more. It can also help prevent diseases that can lead to memory loss in the future. An active body leads to an active mind.

Exercise your brain frequently. Consider activities where you need to improve. Repeating what you already know will lead nowhere and will not create new connections among your brain cells. Break your routines frequently and find new ways of doing your everyday chores. Choose activities which are new, fun and challenging.

Allow your brain to conjure up information that is permanently stored in your mind, and then associate it with new thoughts that you wish to retain. Building these ties helps you commit the new ideas to the long-term memory. These exercises also make it faster and easier to create new memories.

Your brain is a muscle like any other and it requires exercise to keep it healthy and in optimum working order. Make sure that you incorporate the advice given here to start working out your brain and improving your memory abilities. Being "forgetful" isnt a life sentence and you are able to make a change for the better.

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