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Everything You Need To Know About Acupuncture

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Posted on: 08/09/22

Acupuncture is often stigmatized as a painful experience that does very little for actually helping the people that undergo it. Rather than operating under these myths, learn more about the experience and the ways it can help! The tips in this article are a great place to start, especially if you arent sure if its right for you.

Dont be frightened of acupuncture; it is usually not painful. Acupuncture does not use needles similar to those in a doctors office; instead, the needles are as thin as a piece of hair. For this reason, you need not be concerned about pain.

Develop a treatment program with your acupuncturist. Based on your needs, he can customize a program for you that can work around your schedule. Schedule appointments around the times when you are least stressed to get the maximum benefits from each treatment. This will encourage to stick with the program.

To make your acupuncture benefits last longer, remember to eat before a treatment. Eating puts energy into your body, and your body will need that energy to reap all the benefits of your treatment. If you go to a session hungry, your body will utilize the stored energy it has, rather than saving that to facilitate your healing process.

Make a detailed list of all your prescribed medications before seeking an acupuncture treatment. Knowing what medications youre on will help them develop a treatment based on your needs.

Avoid having coffee before your treatment. You should abstain for about two hours before an appointment. This restriction is due to the fact that coffee is a stimulant which works in direct opposition to the goals of your acupuncture session. Coffee also makes the acupuncturists job more difficult because it is harder to get accurate heart rate readings.

Commit yourself to completing your acupuncture therapy from start to finish. Dont listen to uneducated individuals who have never experienced acupuncture. In fact, pharmaceutical advertisements downplay acupuncture as useless. Do not be dissuaded. Follow your acupuncture healing plan from start to finish.


After having acupuncture, make sure you take it easy and rest. Go easy with exercise and other activities. Make sure any physical activity you do is gradual, light, and gentle. The reason why is because acupuncture gets things moving in your body so your body may respond in ways that youre not expecting or prepared for.

If you have a rigid exercise routine, it may be hard for you not to workout when you have to get an acupuncture session the same day. Some exercise is okay, but you must take things lighter than you normally might. If you run a lot, then you should go for a walk instead. You shouldnt try something new the day you get acupuncture.

Dont do anything too strenuous after your acupuncture treatment. Treat a treatment like an exercise workout. You dont want to jump into something too strenuous after you have a treatment done, so that you can experience the full benefits of the treatment. For a day or two after your treatment, make sure to take it easy.


Acupuncture often works to resolve digestion problems. Some treatments are designed to help your body with natural cycles, including digestion. Ask your acupuncturist how you can change your diet through treatments. Keep regular treatments until you see an improvement in your digestion.

Rather than assuming the rumors and hearsay that youve heard are true, learn about acupuncture and the potential benefits that come with it. The tips in this article should have provided some clarity, but keep learning more! Remember what youve read here and apply it to your decision to undergo it or not.

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